Cost-Effective Virtual Development
Virtual Development allows Solenoid Systems to develop and optimize a custom solenoid or valve solution to our customer’s requirements prior to making a physical part. This platform also allows us to study how variations in the solution affect our customer’s system and vice versa.
The Virtual Development process saves our customer’s time and money by eliminating costly physical prototype iterations.
Our innovative Virtual Development Platform:
- Uses efficient and proven design workflows
- Combines co-simulation technologies, such as Electromagnetic, Electronic, Thermal and Fluid Flow
- Creates a Multi-Physics, Multi-Domain solution of devices and systems
Virtual Prototypes
Precision virtual simulations produce a Virtual Prototype of both hardware and software. Solenoid Systems analyzes the virtual design to see how it functions in the proposed application to verify exacting performance requirements.
Our Process
We verify performance requirements by running a prototype through a series of Virtual Validation tests, such as extreme ambient temperature conditions, operational thermal cycling, vibration, EMC, and durability. By analyzing thermal, mechanical and frictional stresses in critical areas, we establish the robustness of the Virtual Design.
The Benefits
Virtual Development allows us to examine and optimize rapid design variations early in the development cycle to hasten development and decrease design and development costs.